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The most climate-conscious companies in 2022

We are proud to be among the top twenty most climate-conscious companies in Italy.

The ranking was devised by Statista, a leading market research company that specialises in ranking and analysis of corporate data, in collaboration with Il Corriere della Sera; and the fact we are included further confirms that the path we embarked on last year is the right one. We are in fact the first Italian challenger bank to have joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, the initiative promoted by the United Nations to speed up the sustainable transition of the international banking sector, to achieve zero net emissions by 2050.


The ranking is a list of the 100 companies in Italy that have best reduced their CO2 emissions in relation to revenue.
The study as a whole considered more than 450 large Italian companies on the basis of their sustainability and published financial statements.

The analysis is based on the Compound Annual Reduction Rate (CARR) of emissions (ratio of CO2 emissions to revenue in millions) between 2018 and 2020. This reduction is expressed as a percentage.

The companies were selected and the evaluation criteria determined according to the independent criteria of Statista and Il Corriere della Sera.

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