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Digital Transformation of the Financial System – October 11, Milan

The impact of new technology is leading a transformation of the entire financial sector towards complete digitisation. The transition from traditional operator to a fully-fledged Digital Company requires new skills: for this reason, the main stakeholders in this process are not only the banking and financial world, but also the… Read More

Banca IFIS at the STAR Conference in London – 9 & 10 October, London

On Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 October, Banca IFIS’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Giovanni Bossi, and the Head of Communications and Investor Relations, Ms. Mara Di Giorgio, are attending the 17th edition of the STAR Conference, London 2017, organized by Borsa Italiana. The event is reserved for companies listed on… Read More

NPE draft note conference call

Today at 03:00pm CET, Banca IFIS has arranged a call with Giovanni Bossi, CEO and Mara Di Giorgio, Head of Communication and IR, to discuss the possible regulamentary impact of the NPE draft note of the ECB on Banca IFIS. Below all the numbers: Italy: +39 02 805 88… Read More

Tier 2 bond Roadshow

Banca IFIS (rating Fitch BB+, outlook stable) has mandated Nomura, UBS and Unicredit to arrange, in the next days, a series of investor meetings finalized to evaluate a possible Tier 2 subordinated sub-benchmark bond issue, in Euro, expiration 10 years, callable after 5 years, fixed or floating. The meeting will… Read More

Banca IFIS at the J.P. Morgan Italian Conference – 29 September, Milan

Banca IFIS’s C.E.O., Giovanni Bossi, is participating in the J.P. Morgan Italian Conference 2017, an invitation only event organized by J.P. Morgan for companies and investors. During the day, to be held in Milan on Friday, September 29, there will be alternating plenary sessions, presentations by experts and one-to-one and… Read More

Banca IFIS at the BAML Conference 2017 – 28 September, London

Thursday, 28 September, Giovanni Bossi, Banca IFIS’s C.E.O., is attending the Bank of America Merril Lynch Conference in London. The C.E.O. will take part in the round table focusing on NPLs, together with members of the financial world like Davide Serra (Algebris), Clement Reale (Hoist), Alessandro Scorsone (Kruk) and Andrea… Read More