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Paola Paoloni

Independent Director

Born in Viterbo in 1968.

She graduated in 1992 in Economics and Business Administration from the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, and holds the position of Full Professor of Business Administration and Economics and Strategy of Small and Mediam-sized Enterprises. She is Director of the Department of Law and Economics of Productive Activities.

She has served on boards of statutory auditors and the board of auditors in a number of private companies and public bodies and carried out several arbitrations for the Regional Administrative Court and the Council of State.

She has more than twenty years of experience as lecturer and researcher in the field of business economics and finance-accounting, which has enabled her to take part in numerous national and international conferences as well as collaborate on sector journals and scientific publications.
Among others, she is a member of SIDREA (the Italian Society of Teachers of Accounting and Business Economics) and AIDEA (the Italian Academy of Business Economics). She manages the Gender Studies Observatory “Ipàzia” and is a member of the “Sapeinza CUG”.

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Presence at BoD meetings*: 100%

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* The data shown refer to what is indicated in the 2023 Corporate Governance report.
