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Ifis4business - il portale per factoring e supply chain finance


The portal that simplifies your operations

myIfis is the online hub offering services to the Banca Ifis Group’s factoring, leasing and rental customers, factoring assigned borrowers and large Buyers; designed to simplify management of their relations with the Bank.

We offer an entirely digital experience enabling fast, autonomous management of your transfers or positions with the Bank.

You can use a single portal to manage all your operations and enjoy access to a direct channel with us; moreover, thanks to the digital signature, bureaucratic aspects will no loner be an obstacle: the time saved can be dedicated to the growth of your business.

Are you a factoring customer?

With myIfis you can:

  • Easily manage your factoring relations;
  • Obtain new liquidity fast;
  • Monitor the state of invoices transferred;
  • Indicate new customers autonomously.

Are you a Buyer or an assigned debtor?

Thanks to myIfis you can:

  • Acknowledge the invoices or your suppliers or upload those in the Confirming programme or in self-invoicing;
  • Monitor the state of invoices;
  • Ask for payment extensions;
  • Suggest new suppliers to the Bank, with which to activate a factoring programme.

Are you a leasing or rental customer?

Thanks to myIfis you can:

  • Request a change in the bank details of the settlement account;
  • Make a claim or theft report;
  • Request a change of location of an asset;
  • Advance the transfer of a contract.

If you are already registered with myIfis:

Do you want to enter the myIfis world? Contact your Bank Ifis representative or call the free phone number 800 712 433 to ask to be registered with the portal.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. For the contractual conditions of myIfis, please refer to the information sheet available at our branches and in the Transparency section of the website

Looking for information or help?

Contact us